Gentle Grayslake, IL - Associate Pediatric Dentist
Dr. Sahar Alrayyes

Dr. Sahar has been part of the Kids Dentist family for over 15 years now. In addition to her work here, she is a full-time Clinical Associate Professor and the Clinic Director at the University of Illinois’ Department of Pediatric Dentistry. If you would like to learn more about her background, just keep reading below.
What Do You Like
Most About Being a
Pediatric Dentist?
Where Did You
Study Dentistry?
Dr. Sahar achieved her dental doctorate from Northwestern University Dental School in 1998. In 2002, she completed her training in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Illinois in Chicago, along with her Master’s in Oral Science. Today, she is Board-Certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and serves on the examining committee for the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
What Do You Like
to Do Outside of the
Dental Office?
When she isn’t busy working, Dr. Sahar enjoys spending quality time with her husband and their two boys. Their favorite activities are playing soccer or biking around the city.