Check Out What’s Going On At Kids Dentist!
August 21, 2024
Celebrate 30 Years With Kids Dentist!
Kids Dentist has been serving our community for 30 years!! As a thank you to all of our patients, we will be raffling 30 AMAZING PRIZES with a winner EVERY FRIDAY starting 8/30/2024 through 1/31/2025.
Every patient that visits our office for an appointment (starting August 1st, 2024) will automatically be entered and remain in it for the next six months.
For additional entries and chances to win:
1. Follow us on Facebook 2. Follow us on Instagram
3. Like this post on Instagram 4. Like this post on Facebook
5. Share the post on your page
Winners will be announced via Instagram and Facebook.
Winners will also receive an email on the patient email address on record.
Prizes must be picked up from the office within 10 business days of announcement.